Hybrid studio & filming on location

Save 90% of hybrid production costs

Expensive and technologically advanced production costs have been a barrier for many organizers to offer both physical and digital participation. Therefore, we have created a tailor-made hybrid solution to solve the most common hybrid needs and thus save large costs for equipment and technical staff.

Coeo's hybrid solution - on-site filming in conference venues
The easy-to-use hybrid service solves the most common technical challenges often faced by conference organizers.

Our hybrid solution takes care of:

- Filming and production of the stage - whether it is one or more speakers or panel discussions

- Audio is connected and heard for those on site and the recording/for those remotely.

- Remote speakers - displayed on the projector and on the recording/for those at a distance.

- The remote speaker can screen share their presentation.

- Speakers on site can talk to remote speakers.

- The recording/for those at a distance, the experience will also be produced with background graphics and pause and stop images.

- The recording is available live on the same day.

We want you, the conference organizer, to sit back and focus on the physical implementation.
Coeo takes care of the technology, filming, recording and any digital participants.

When there are digital participants involved, so-called hybrid implementations, our goal is to stitch the audience together on site + remotely to make everyone feel involved, without creating an A and B audience.

Creating natural flows for on-site and remote speakers

How does this work? How can it be so much cheaper?

By using the audio technology already available in the conference room, a regular laptop and USB cameras (which have become incredibly better in recent years), we have replaced the demanding video mix with an automatic cloud service that puts everything together.

Coeo's tools already offer a wealth of functionality for attendees and exhibitors to interact in hybrid form, so this ties the whole production together.