Swedish Museums' Spring Meeting - a hybrid success

With digital tools they could reach more people and create value for both physical & digital participants

Coeo is pleased to be commissioned to organize the Swedish Museums' spring meeting as a hybrid for the second year in a row. During the packed days, physical and digital participants gathered to discuss museum issues and be inspired to develop the industry. 

For this year's spring meeting, the Swedish Museums wanted to give even more focus to the digital audience, but at the same time create added value for the physical audience through the digital content. Therefore, Coeo's platform became the hub and a gathering place for all conference participants. 

Coeo's platform was used by both physical & digital participants during the hybrid meeting.

By creating attractive offers for both the physical and digital participants, the Swedish Museums were able to attract both target groups and create a successful hybrid meeting with a balance between physical and digital participation, without creating competition between the different ticket types.

Values created for digital participants:

  • Live broadcast from three parallel stages
  • Interactive elements, chat and questions to the stage
  • Recording of the live broadcasts
  • Questions & answers from speakers in forum threads
  • Visiting and interacting with sponsors
  • Networking via private chat & video calls

In addition, they were guided by the 'museum studio' - flying reporters on location in Västerås who interviewed key people and gave the digital participants a sense of pulse and presence.

Values created for physical participants:

  • Coeo on mobile with apps, maps and information
  • Recording of lectures from all three parallel scenes
  • Digital ticket as insurance in case one is prevented from attending the event
  • Digital networking 

On site, they also got to feel the pulse of the conference rooms, mingle and take part in the gala dinner. There were also guided tours of the local museums, a much appreciated feature of the event.

By creating value for both the digital and physical participants, the Swedish Museums managed to find attractive offers for both target groups and create a nice balance between both types of participants. With the help of digital complements, creativity and clear communication, they were also able to stitch the two audiences together and create a joint spring meeting for all participants. 

"Coeo has made it possible for us to reach more people, both through a digital meeting option and by making the material available after the conference. Throughout the project, they have been very accommodating and responsive to our needs, always solution-oriented and keen for our participants to have a positive meeting experience."

Hanna Larsson, Project Manager Nord Meetings